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29 Jobs ‒ No Dumpster Diving!

Writer's picture: Robert HurleyRobert Hurley

Well, almost no diving . . .

I’ve had 29 jobs, and I did actually get one from the (pre-internet) Dumpster; keep reading for all the details!

What’s your definition of Networking?

As a member of The Resume Constructor team, I write frequently about the importance of Networking. Our focus is on Networking related to career growth, but the broad category includes all aspects of Networking ‒ business and social.

From the job-hunting perspective, my definition of Networking is:

The act of obtaining a job by connecting directly and personally with, or being introduced to, the Employer / Hiring Manager.’s definition is:

A supportive system of sharing information and services among individuals and groups having a common interest.

Investopedia’s definition is:

Networking is the exchange of information and ideas among people with a common profession or special interest, usually in an informal social setting.

The best way to get a job

The numbers vary, but search the internet, and the common theme is that a very large percentage of positions are filled through Networking, NOT by dropping your resume into the Online Job Posting Dumpster. That’s why you need to stop Dumpster Diving!

I base my Networking perspective and suggestions not only on the broad stats, but on my own lifetime career experience. Let me share . . .

29 Jobs so far!

For my purposes, I’m defining “Job” as any position in which I earned money, and, yes, I’ve had 29! But I’m not an outrageous “job hopper.” My list includes every job I’ve had through secondary school, undergrad, and grad, as well as my succeeding career, so there are part-time and summer positions on my list.

My Networking count includes holding multiple positions within an organization, as well as placement by an Executive Recruiter or a Staffing Agency (hourly jobs, long ago).

At an early age, I learned Networking from my parents, who instinctively knew, long before the internet age, that the best way to get a job is through someone you know or have met personally – in either a social or business setting.

My first paying job was self-employment ― digging soft-shell clams (steamers) with my cousin, David, and selling them in the parking lot of a local gas station ― we had a blast! I believe that self-employment is a subset of networking.

My personal statistics

Here’s my breakdown:

All but one of the jobs I’ve held was through some form of networking, and my one “blind” position was in the pre-internet days (a newspaper Want Ad). My personal percentage is much higher than the general job-hunting statistics. I’ve always done what I’m recommending to you!

Let us help you with your Networking

Like anything, practice makes you stronger and more successful. It’s easy to Click! . . . Click! . . . Click! . . . Apply Now! on the internet and apply to a zillion jobs. It may feel good, like you’ve accomplished something, but it will only bring you Ghosting and frustration and may cause you to doubt yourself.

Our team is passionate about what we do, and we’re always interested in expanding our Professional Network. If you have any questions about Networking, or any other aspect of your job-search, call us at 774-612-3104 for a no-commitment introductory conversation. Or visit us at to learn more about how we can help you.

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