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Is It Arrogance or Brainwashing?


Arrogance is a powerful word, and we all have our opinions and ideas about it. Let’s see how the experts define it:

Merriam-Webster’s definition

An attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims or assumptions.

Cambridge Dictionary’s definition

The quality of being unpleasantly proud and behaving as if you are more important than, or know more than, other people. says

Offensive display of superiority or self-importance; overbearing pride.

OK, so what about it? What does this have to do with our job search?

Resume Objectives

The “need” to have an Objective at the top of our resume has become another job search cliché; something that we’ve been brainwashed into believing is a must-do, like keeping your resume to only one page.

As a result, most resumes are created with an Objective at the top. While the writer’s purpose is to quickly attract the reader’s attention, these Objectives are frequently worded in a way that the candidate can appear to be arrogant.

In addition, for the same reasons, people also frequently use that same Objective at the beginning of their public profiles.

Who Talks Like That?

Let’s take a look at some phrases found online ― direct quotes straight from various profiles and resumes:

o Motivated professional offering extensive qualifications in _____

o Outstanding communication talents

o Expert in _____ with outstanding leadership qualities

o Recognized as creative, catalyst, change-agent

o An experienced and dynamic leader and transformation architect

o An innovative and results-driven professional with proven ability

o Highly accomplished _____

o Strong leadership and interpersonal skills with exceptional technical competence

Remember, all these phrases are direct quotes found online – not fiction! But, maybe you’re thinking, “Bob that’s way too harsh! It’s important for us to show the value we’ll bring to our new company.”

Yes, we do need to show the skills and accomplishments we’ll bring and we’re accustomed to seeing this everywhere, and this seems normal. But think about it from a Hiring Manager’s perspective.

o Are these phrases appealing and interesting?

o Do they really demonstrate value?

o Would you want to meet this person?

We’re used to theses phrases on Resumes and Profiles, but what if we look at it from a different perspective.

What about a social setting?

What if we used this same approach in a social context. Let’s borrow a couple of the quotes from those Objectives above and put an interpersonal twist on them. How many people would consider introducing themselves on a date or at a party this way:

o Highly accomplished dinner partner

o Outstanding communication talents

o Recognized as extremely handsome / pretty

o Expert in dating with outstanding leadership qualities

Does this sound like a normal conversation? Anything like the ones you usually have with people? How would you react to someone who spoke like that? Would you be professionally or personally attracted ‒ or would you try to quickly escape?

Your new resume

Read your Objective and Profile out loud to someone you trust. Then ask them to read it to you. Does it sound arrogant and contrived, or is it natural?

Instead of using this kind of self-complimentary language, what if you create a brief, unique Introduction to attract a Hiring Manager’s attention.

o Describe why you do what you do.

o How did you get started in your field – what attracted you?

o Show them why you have an interest in their position.

Be different! Be better!

We believe that your Resume and public Profile should reflect the person you are and present the factual accomplishments you’ve achieved in your career. Let other people learn about you from your actions & results ─ let them decide how you should be described. It’s much more realistic, human, and powerful.

We can help you

Working together, we can develop your personal and powerful Introduction so you can stand out from others.

If you have questions about presenting yourself to a Hiring Manager, or any other aspect of your job-search, reach out to us.

Explore our website or call us at 774-612-3104 to schedule a no-commitment introductory phone or video call.

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